Viking provides a variety of tools for users to edit and analyze GPS data. With this program, users can easily import, plot, and generate tracks, routes, and waypoints. Viking also allows users to view maps from various sources, including OSM, Bing Aerial, and others. Additionally, the program offers the ability to geotag images and see real-time GPS positions (not available on Windows). Map creation using Mapnik is also possible, but only when using non-Windows operating systems.

2023-04-07 04:53:17 By : Mr. Steven Lin
Viking, a free and open-source program, has become increasingly popular for editing and analyzing GPS data. The software supports a wide range of features that allow users to import, plot and create tracks, routes, and waypoints effortlessly. Users can also view real-time GPS position (not in Windows), control items, and geotag images using Bing Aerial maps, OSM, and other available maps.

Viking has an extensive range of features that make it an ideal GPS data editing and analysis tool. The program is compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac, making it easy to use regardless of the underlying operating system. It’s most commonly used for outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and other physical activities.
GPS | INSPIRE in Practice

One of the standout features of Viking is that it comes with a built-in GPS that allows you to track your route and location in real-time. This makes it easy for hikers and cyclists to keep track of their progress, distance traveled, and speed. Additionally, the GPS feature allows you to create waypoints and export your route data to other GPS devices.

The program’s map editing feature also allows you to add new maps or edit existing ones on the fly. You can use Mapnik to create custom maps, and with its extensive library of plugins, it’s easy to add new functionality to the program as needed.

Moreover, Viking offers native support for various GIS formats, including GPX, KML, and GML, among others. This makes it easy to import data from other GPS devices and editing software seamlessly.

In terms of its utility, Viking is an excellent tool for outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy hiking, cycling or exploring new areas on foot. It’s also useful for professionals who work in outdoor recreation or GIS mapping. For those just getting started with GPS editing or analysis, Viking is a great place to begin.

Along with Viking, the GPS | INSPIRE in Practice Wikiloc is another great resource for outdoor enthusiasts. The platform allows users to share outdoor routes for various activities like hiking, cycling, and more. Furthermore, through the Wikiloc app - Outdoor Navigation App, users can track their trails and activities effortlessly.

For the Spanish coverage, some OGC WMTS services are being used. This enhances the program’s capability and provides better maps and data for users.

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In conclusion, Viking is an excellent free/open source GPS editing and analysis software that offers various features, making it suitable for outdoor enthusiasts, professionals in outdoor recreation, and GIS mapping. In combination with GPS | INSPIRE in Practice Wikiloc and Outdoor Navigation App, users have access to a wide range of routes and maps, adding to the software’s usefulness.